Singer 500 Series Sewing Machine

With the exception of the 500 and 503, all the other 500 series models are of a similar family.

The 500 series domestic models were all aluminium bodied machines. They utilised a horizontal rotating hook mechanism with an internal type SN open frame motor built into the main pillar of the machine. They were built during the time frame 1973 to 1980.

Model Years Notes
502 1976 ZZ, 3 stitches, Flatbed of 522
507 1974/76 ZZ, Flatbed version of 527
509 1974/76  
513 Stylist 1973/75 ZZ, 5 stitches, Flatbed of 533
514 1973/75 ZZ, 7 stitches, 4 step buttonholer, Flatbed of 534
518 1975 ZZ, 4 step buttonholer, Flatbed of 538
522 1974/77 ZZ, Blind Stich, Tubular bed of 502
527 1975/76 ZZ, Tubular bed of 507
533 1977/80 ZZ, Tubular bed of 513
534 1973/78 ZZ, 5 stitches, Tubular bed of 514
538 1973/78 ZZ, pattern cams, Tubular bed of 518
543 1979/80 ZZ, 4 stitches, buttonholer